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Migraine Diet Recipes to Beat the Heat

Fourth of July is always a special holiday for me since it’s the anniversary of being officially diagnosed with vestibular migraine. This was especially bittersweet for me because I had seen so many doctors, went to the ER numerous times, tried vestibular therapy for months, only to still be 24/7 dizzy. Doctors continued to tell me I was just stressed or had anxiety. To have a credible doctor finally validate your illness and understand what you’re going through just feels so good. Since part of my healing plan was following the Heal Your Headache diet, I needed to come up with some migraine diet recipes fast!

Migraine diet recipes for 4th of July celebrations - keto and low tyramine/HYH
Image Credit: Jennifer Bragdon

This time of year can be stressful for many with chronic migraine. Lots of parties, cookouts, and outdoor events can lead to attacks or even just a fear of an attack. Here at Migraine Strong we are all about living your life to the fullest, despite the challenges migraine can bring. So we encourage you to spend time with loved ones, but by still taking care of yourself. Some of our key tips are:

  • Stay well hydrated and cool. Find a shady spot if you need to. A cool cloth can work wonders!
  • Bring ear plugs and migraine glasses if you’re triggered by noise or visual stimulation
  • Take breaks from talking. It’s not rude to simply excuse yourself if you need a small break from chatting. If you just say that your dish needs a little garnish or you need to freshen your drink, it can provide you with a quiet moment to yourself. 
  • If you plan to drink, pace yourself or consider using a sulfite and histamine filter like PureWine.

Staying on point with your diet can help you keep that trigger bucket from overflowing. Here are some recipes to consider if you’re on Heal Your Headache or Keto

Migraine diet recipes for 4th of July celebrations - keto and low tyramine/HYH
Image credit: The Dizzy Cook

Migraine Diet Recipes

Heal Your Headache/Low Tyramine Diet




Migraine diet recipes for 4th of July celebrations - keto and low tyramine/HYH
Image credit: The Dizzy Cook

Keto Diet




The Migraine Strong team wishes you a happy, safe, and pain-free 4th of July with your friends and family! We hope these migraine diet recipes become a part of your summer traditions.

Migraine diet recipes for 4th of July celebrations - keto and low tyramine/HYH

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About the Author


I’m Alicia Wolf, owner of The Dizzy Cook, a diet and lifestyle website for anyone with Migraine. After struggling with chronic Vestibular Migraine that was incorrectly diagnosed for months and feeling so alone, I set out to create a space that offered positivity, hope and encouragement to other sufferers. I develop Migraine friendly recipes that follow the Heal Your Headache diet, as well as gluten free options. Although the diet was just a small piece in my treatment plan, it really helped me get back to feeling like my old self and having 100% days again. In an effort to promote awareness for Vestibular Migraine, I am also an Ambassador for the Vestibular Disorder Association and a writer for Migraine Again.

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